Thank you FinTech Week

We highly appreciate the opportunity to support the Hong Kong FinTech Week 2022 as designated speakers. A special thanks has to go to Finoverse, the organizers of the event, as well as to Hong Kong HKMA and Invest HK who gave the initial sparks for us to follow this path. We will post the speech […]

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Gregor Hans Schoener is a speaker at the Hong Kong FinTech Week 2022

Speaker at FinTech Week

Arcartera Limited’s CEO, Gregor Hans Schoener, will be a speaker at this year’s FinTech Week in Hong Kong. HKFTW (Hong Kong FinTech Week 2022) invited Arcartera to be a designated content supporter at the event. Creator of the Arcartera Protocol, the company focuses on Blockchain Infrastructure for AEC. AEC stands for Architecture, Engineering and Construction,

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Blockchain for the Construction Industry

New video is online now: How Blockchain can benefit Architectural Engineering and Construction  The construction industry is often critiqued because of its inefficiency and low productivity.  The disaggregated structure of the construction industry, its sequential nature where works need to be done in a sequential and chain resembling system, and the number of stakeholders

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Press Release HKMA & Arcartera

PRESS RELEASE, Hong Kong 22nd July 2022 HKMA recognises Arcartera’s work on Digital Blockchain Assets Arcartera Limited, a Hong Kong based Developer of Blockchain Infrastructure, has received an official Letter of Appreciation from the country’s Monetary Authority.  Governments around the world are aware of the rapidly changing financial environment brought to us by Crypto Currencies.

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HKMA signs LOA

On July 19th, 2022, HKMA has issued an official Letter of Appreciation to Arcartera Limited, for their their consultation and feedback. As Hong Kong’s official monetary authority, HKMA plans to build a digital currency, a so called stable coin, based on blockchain technology, an electronic Hong Kong Dollar. In the letter, HKMA thanks Arcartera for

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HKMA Discussion Started

Arcartera Limited has been in close contact with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) since the beginning of the public e-HKD discussion. A discussion paper was recently published, with 12 questions attached, to continue paving the way for an official digital Hong Kong Dollar, potentially as Stable Coin: 1. Do you agree that e-HKD can

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Arcartera Coin and Token have been minted

The Arcartera Coin and it’s Utility Token have both been successfully created on the Ethereum Layer 2 Network Polygon. The contract address for the Arcartera Coin is: 0x25F1bD9E22e4c517f75eEA15977264132d74D9e8 Arcartera Coin is used to pay for Merchant Fees of Stable Coins (Such as HKD Token) that have been created on the Arcartera Protocol. With the growing

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