White Paper - Arcartera Protocol

Empowering the AEC Industry Through Blockchain Technology


Arcartera is a blockchain-based platform that aims to transform the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. By leveraging blockchain technology, smart contracts, decentralized applications (DApps), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Arcartera addresses critical pain points within the AEC industry, including supply chain management, building information management (BIM), facility management, and sustainability. This white paper provides an in-depth overview of the Arcartera platform and its key components, highlighting the benefits and potential applications within the AEC industry.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction 1.1 AEC Industry Challenges 1.2 Blockchain Technology in AEC

  2. Arcartera Platform Overview 2.1 Smart Contracts 2.2 Supply Chain Management 2.3 Building Information Management (BIM) 2.4 Facility Management 2.5 Sustainability

  3. Arcartera DApps 3.1 Timestamping BIM Files with NFTs 3.2 Project Management and Collaboration 3.3 Supply Chain Management DApp 3.4 BIM DApp 3.5 Facility Management DApp 3.6 Sustainability DApp

  4. Arcartera Token (ARCN)

  5. Use Cases and Potential Applications

  6. Roadmap and Future Development

  7. Conclusion

  8. References

  1. Introduction:

1.1 AEC Industry Challenges: The AEC industry faces numerous challenges, including project delays, cost overruns, information silos, inefficient supply chain management, and the lack of standardized processes. These issues often result in reduced project quality, decreased stakeholder satisfaction, and limited industry growth. Addressing these challenges requires innovative solutions that can improve collaboration, transparency, and efficiency throughout the project lifecycle.

1.2 Blockchain Technology in AEC: Blockchain technology offers a promising solution to many of the challenges faced by the AEC industry. Its decentralized and immutable nature enables secure and transparent transactions, data sharing, and collaboration. Smart contracts, built on blockchain, provide self-executing agreements with predefined rules and conditions. By leveraging these features, Arcartera aims to revolutionize the AEC industry, enhancing supply chain management, BIM, facility management, and sustainability practices.

  1. Arcartera Platform Overview: Arcartera is a comprehensive platform that integrates various blockchain-based solutions to streamline AEC processes. The platform leverages the power of smart contracts to automate and enforce agreements, ensuring transparency, trust, and efficiency. Below are the key components of the Arcartera platform:

2.1 Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing agreements with predefined rules and conditions. Within the Arcartera platform, smart contracts play a crucial role in automating and enforcing agreements between different stakeholders in the AEC industry. These contracts eliminate the need for intermediaries, reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and minimizing the risk of disputes.

Read more about Smart Contracts here.

Read more about transforming a traditional construction contract to a Smart Contract here.

2.2 Supply Chain Management: Arcartera’s supply chain management solution leverages blockchain technology to enhance transparency, traceability, and efficiency in the procurement and delivery of construction materials. By integrating smart contracts, stakeholders can automate order processing, track shipments, verify product authenticity, and ensure timely payments. This streamlined supply chain management mitigates the risk of fraud, reduces delays, and optimizes inventory management.

 2.3 Building Information Management (BIM): Arcartera integrates blockchain technology with BIM, a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building. By utilizing blockchain, Arcartera ensures the security, integrity, and accessibility of BIM data throughout the project lifecycle. Smart contracts enable automated updates and permissions, allowing stakeholders to collaborate seamlessly and securely. This decentralized approach to BIM enhances coordination, reduces errors, and improves overall project efficiency.

Read more about BIM Blockchain here.

2.4 Facility Management: Arcartera extends its blockchain capabilities to facility management, enabling stakeholders to track and manage assets, maintenance schedules, and documentation in a secure and transparent manner. By integrating smart contracts, Arcartera automates facility management processes, such as work orders, preventive maintenance, and compliance checks. This streamlined approach improves asset performance, reduces downtime, and enhances the overall operational efficiency of facilities.

2.5 Sustainability: Sustainability is a key focus within the AEC industry, and Arcartera recognizes the importance of leveraging blockchain technology to promote sustainable practices. By integrating blockchain with sustainability initiatives, Arcartera enables transparent tracking of materials, energy consumption, and waste management throughout the project lifecycle. This transparency promotes accountability, facilitates certification processes, and encourages the adoption of environmentally friendly practices.
  1. Arcartera DApps: Arcartera offers a range of decentralized applications (DApps) that leverage blockchain technology to address specific needs within the AEC industry. These DApps enhance collaboration, transparency, and efficiency, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions and streamline processes. Below are examples of Arcartera DApps:

3.2 Project Management and Collaboration: Arcartera’s project management DApp facilitates seamless collaboration and communication among project stakeholders. This DApp provides a secure and transparent platform where project participants can access real-time project data, monitor progress, and track milestones. Smart contracts automate tasks, such as payment releases and milestone approvals, streamlining project management processes and reducing administrative overhead.

3.3 Supply Chain Management DApp: Arcartera’s supply chain management DApp enhances transparency and efficiency in procurement and logistics. This DApp allows stakeholders to track and verify the origin, authenticity, and quality of construction materials through blockchain-based traceability. Smart contracts automate supply chain processes, such as purchase orders, delivery verification, and payment settlements, reducing delays, minimizing fraud, and optimizing inventory management.

3.1 Timestamping BIM Files with NFTs: Arcartera utilizes non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to timestamp BIM files, ensuring the authenticity and immutability of project data. NFTs act as unique digital certificates that verify the existence and integrity of BIM files at specific points in time. This timestamping mechanism enhances trust, enables easy auditability, and provides a reliable source of information for regulatory compliance.

Read more about NFT and BIM in General

Read more about Minting NFT and Decentralised BIM

3.4 BIM DApp: Arcartera’s BIM DApp provides a collaborative platform for stakeholders to access, update, and validate BIM data securely. This DApp enables real-time synchronization of BIM models, ensuring all participants work with the latest information. Smart contracts enforce permissions and access controls, facilitating seamless coordination, reducing errors, and improving project outcomes.

 3.5 Facility Management DApp: Arcartera’s facility management DApp simplifies asset tracking, maintenance scheduling, and documentation management. This DApp enables stakeholders to monitor equipment performance, schedule preventive maintenance, and track work orders in a transparent and auditable manner. Smart contracts automate facility management processes, streamlining workflows, and optimizing resource allocation.

3.6 Sustainability DApp: Arcartera’s sustainability DApp promotes environmentally friendly practices within the AEC industry. This DApp enables stakeholders to track and measure energy consumption, waste management, and carbon emissions throughout the project lifecycle. By leveraging blockchain technology, stakeholders can securely record and verify sustainability data, ensuring transparency and accountability. Smart contracts automate sustainability reporting and compliance processes, facilitating the adoption of sustainable practices and supporting certification requirements.

4. Arcartera Token (ARCN): The Arcartera platform operates on its native utility token called ARCN. ARCN stands for Arcatera Neo and serves as the digital currency within the ecosystem, facilitating transactions, incentivizing participation, and rewarding contributors. Token holders can utilize ARCN to access various features and services within the Arcartera platform, including DApps, data storage, and premium functionalities. Additionally, ARCN holders may participate in platform governance, shaping the future development and decision-making processes.

 5. Use Cases and Potential Applications: Arcartera’s blockchain-based platform has numerous use cases and potential applications within the AEC industry. Some examples include:

  • Streamlined supply chain management: Arcartera facilitates efficient procurement, tracking, and verification of construction materials, reducing delays, and improving inventory management.
  • Enhanced BIM collaboration: Arcartera’s integration with BIM ensures real-time synchronization, secure data sharing, and streamlined collaboration among project stakeholders.
  • Efficient facility management: Arcartera optimizes facility operations, enabling stakeholders to track assets, schedule maintenance, and manage documentation seamlessly.
  • Transparent sustainability practices: Arcartera promotes sustainable practices by providing a transparent and auditable platform for tracking and measuring energy consumption, waste management, and carbon emissions.
  • Improved project management: Arcartera’s DApps simplify project management processes, facilitating collaboration, automating tasks, and ensuring transparent progress tracking.
  1. Roadmap and Future Development: Arcartera is committed to ongoing development and improvement of its platform. The roadmap includes:
  • Expansion of DApp ecosystem: Arcartera will continue to develop and integrate new DApps to address additional pain points within the AEC industry.
  • Integration with industry standards: Arcartera aims to integrate with existing industry standards, ensuring compatibility and interoperability with other platforms and systems.
  • Research and development: Arcartera will invest in research and development to explore emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and internet of things, to further enhance its offerings.
  • Partnerships and collaborations: Arcartera seeks partnerships with industry stakeholders, regulatory bodies, and technology providers to foster innovation, drive adoption, and promote industry-wide transformation.
  • ARCA Tokenomics and Token Roadmap

    Token Name: Arcartera Protocol Token (ARCA)
    Total Supply: 88,000,000,000 ARCA
    Token Type: ERC-20
    Purpose: ARCA is the native utility token of the Arcartera Protocol ecosystem, designed to facilitate transactions and incentivize participants within the construction industry.

    Token Distribution:

    • Airdrop: As part of our commitment to fostering community engagement and participation, we have allocated a portion of the total supply for airdrops. Three airdrops are scheduled, with the first already initiated in 2024.
    • Development Fund: A percentage of the total supply is reserved for the development and enhancement of the Arcartera Protocol ecosystem, ensuring continuous innovation and improvement.
    • Team and Advisors: To reward the core team members and advisors for their contributions to the project, a portion of the total supply is allocated to this category.
    • Community Rewards: A pool of ARCA tokens is designated for rewarding active community members, contributors, and supporters who actively participate in the growth and development of the ecosystem.
    • Liquidity Pool: A portion of the total supply is allocated to the liquidity pool to ensure sufficient liquidity for trading on supported exchanges.

    Token Utility:

    • Transaction Fees: ARCA tokens are used to pay for transaction fees within the Arcartera Protocol ecosystem, including peer-to-peer transactions, smart contract interactions, and decentralized application (DApp) usage fees.
    • Governance: ARCA token holders have governance rights, enabling them to participate in key decision-making processes, such as protocol upgrades, parameter adjustments, and proposal voting.

    Future Plans: Our vision for ARCA extends beyond its utility within the Arcartera Protocol ecosystem. We aim to explore additional use cases and integrations to expand the token’s utility, enhance its value proposition, and drive adoption across various industries.

    Public Roadmap


    1. Launch of Arcartera Protocol: The official launch of the Arcartera Protocol platform, marking the beginning of a new era in construction industry innovation. Users gain access to a suite of decentralized applications (DApps) tailored to streamline construction processes, enhance collaboration, and improve project management efficiency.

    2. Airdrop Initiatives: Commencement of the first of three scheduled ARCA token airdrops, distributing tokens to eligible participants as a gesture of appreciation for their support and engagement with the Arcartera Protocol community.

    3. Strategic Partnerships: Formation of strategic partnerships and collaborations with leading players in the construction industry, technology providers, and academic institutions to drive ecosystem growth, foster innovation, and expand market reach.

    4. Development Milestones: Continuous development and enhancement of the Arcartera Protocol platform, including the implementation of new features, optimization of existing functionalities, and integration with third-party services to deliver a seamless user experience.

    5. Community Engagement: Ongoing engagement with the Arcartera Protocol community through various channels, including social media, forums, and events. Regular updates, AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions, and community feedback initiatives ensure transparency, foster collaboration, and empower users to actively contribute to the project’s success.

    6. Ecosystem Expansion: Expansion of the Arcartera Protocol ecosystem through the onboarding of new users, developers, and industry stakeholders. Efforts to increase awareness, adoption, and utilization of ARCA tokens across diverse use cases and applications within the construction industry and beyond.

    7. Research and Development: Investment in research and development initiatives to explore emerging technologies, trends, and opportunities that can further enhance the Arcartera Protocol platform’s capabilities and drive innovation in the construction industry.

  1. Conclusion: Arcartera’s blockchain-based platform has the potential to revolutionize the AEC industry by addressing critical pain points and improving collaboration, transparency, and efficiency. Through the integration of smart contracts, supply chain management, BIM, facility management, sustainability practices, and a range of DApps, Arcartera empowers stakeholders to streamline processes, reduce delays, prevent overbudgeting, and enhance overall project outcomes. By leveraging blockchain technology, Arcartera paves the way for a more sustainable, resilient, and digitally transformed AEC industry.


This white paper has been created by Arcartera Limited and is based on our own research. The following references have helped us in understanding the industry and its needs better:

Smith, J. (2022). Blockchain in Construction: Understanding the Potential. Construction Executive. 

Durrant, A. (2021). The Impact of Blockchain in Construction. Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). 

Chen, Y., Chen, Y., & Wu, S. (2020). Research on Blockchain Technology Application in the Construction Industry. Frontiers in Built Environment

National Institute of Building Sciences. (2021). Building Information Management (BIM). 

United Nations Environment Programme. (2021). Sustainable Infrastructure: Principles into Practice. 

World Green Building Council. (2022). Advancing Net Zero: The Role of Blockchain in the Built Environment. 

International Facility Management Association (IFMA). (2022). Facility Management. 

World Economic Forum. (2022). Blockchain for Supply Chain: Towards Building Transparency, Trust, and Traceability.

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