Exploring Ledger Infrastructure

Arcartera's Path to Securely Storing BIM Files on the Blockchain


In the realm of blockchain technology, ledger infrastructure plays a crucial role in securely recording and storing data. Arcartera, a trailblazing platform in the architecture industry, recognizes the significance of this infrastructure and its potential to revolutionize the storage and management of Building Information Modeling (BIM) files. This article explores what ledger infrastructure entails and how Arcartera can leverage its similar structure to bring BIM files onto a blockchain database securely.

Understanding Ledger Infrastructure:

Ledger infrastructure refers to the underlying framework that supports the recording and storage of data on a blockchain network. It encompasses various components such as nodes, consensus mechanisms, cryptography, and data storage protocols. The primary purpose of ledger infrastructure is to ensure the security, immutability, and integrity of data across the blockchain network.

Arcartera’s Approach:

Arcartera recognizes the immense value of ledger infrastructure in securely managing and accessing BIM files. By adopting a similar structure to that of a blockchain database, Arcartera aims to bring the benefits of decentralized storage and data integrity to the architecture industry.

  1. Distributed Data Storage: Similar to a blockchain network, Arcartera’s ledger infrastructure adopts a distributed data storage model. BIM files are fragmented into smaller pieces and distributed across multiple nodes within the network. This approach ensures redundancy, fault tolerance, and robustness, as the loss of a single node does not compromise the entire dataset.

  2. Immutable Record Keeping: Just like the immutability of transactions in a blockchain, Arcartera’s ledger infrastructure maintains an immutable record of BIM files. Once uploaded, these files are stored in a tamper-proof manner, safeguarding against unauthorized modifications or data tampering. This immutable record keeping ensures data integrity and establishes a trusted source of information for architects, contractors, and other stakeholders.

  3. Data Encryption and Access Control: Arcartera prioritizes data security by employing advanced encryption techniques within its ledger infrastructure. BIM files are encrypted before being fragmented and stored on the network, ensuring confidentiality and preventing unauthorized access. Access control mechanisms further enhance security, allowing only authorized individuals to retrieve and interact with specific BIM file fragments.

  4. Consensus Mechanisms: While traditional blockchain networks rely on consensus mechanisms to validate transactions, Arcartera’s ledger infrastructure employs consensus mechanisms to ensure data consistency and integrity. Consensus protocols verify the validity of BIM file fragments across nodes, guaranteeing that the distributed dataset remains synchronized and accurate.

  5. Traceability and Auditing: By leveraging ledger infrastructure, Arcartera introduces traceability and auditing capabilities to the storage and management of BIM files. Every interaction with the files, including uploads, modifications, and access requests, is recorded and timestamped. This comprehensive audit trail enables transparent tracking of file history and supports accountability among stakeholders.


Arcartera’s adoption of ledger infrastructure demonstrates its commitment to leveraging the power of blockchain technology in the architecture industry. By embracing a structure similar to that of a blockchain database, Arcartera can securely store and manage BIM files, ensuring data integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility. Through its innovative approach, Arcartera paves the way for a future where architects, contractors, and other stakeholders can collaborate seamlessly, confident in the authenticity and security of their shared information.

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