Arcartera Dapps Launcher

Dear User,

Thank you for your interest in Arcartera and our Blockchain Dapps for the AEC industry. Have you registered with us yet? If not, please visit our registration page to sign up and get access to our latest Dapps below.

If you have already registered with us, we are excited to announce that our first AEC Blockchain Apps are about ready to launch.  To use our public Dapps, please click below to connect your Metamask wallet and get started.

We look forward to hearing your feedback on our app and hope you enjoy using it to improve your AEC workflows.

Best regards, The Arcartera Team

List of Dapps ready to launch

BIM Uploader & NFT Mint – Please register

With this app, you can upload a BIM file and receive a minted NFT file back immediately.
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