Ledger Infrastructure Developer for Governments and Corporations


We develop custom Ledger Databases and related Blockchain Infrastructure for Governments and Corporations.

We develop custom Ledger Databases and related Blockchain Infrastructure for Governments and Corporations.

Ledgers are digital databases of information.  Here, we have used the term ‘digital’ because the currency exchanged between different nodes is digital i.e cryptocurrency. There are three types of ledger. They are –

  1. Public Ledger – 
    It is open and transparent to all. Anyone in the blockchain network can read or write something.
  2. Distributed Ledger – 
    In this ledger, all nodes have a local copy of the database. Here, a group of nodes collectively execute the job i.e verify transactions, add blocks in the blockchain.
  3. Decentralized Ledger – 
    In this ledger, no one node or group of nodes has a central control. Every node participates in the execution of the job.

We custom develop the ledger for your usecase and integrated it into your existing IT enviroment.

Ledger Infrastructure

For Corporations, For Governments

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